Saturday, April 26, 2008

Zhng Your AdminCustomer

AdminCustomer v1.0:

-Currently have five pages: MainCust, CreateCust, UpdateCust, HistoryCust, ResortPass.


-3 buttons: CreateCust button, UpdateCust button, Home button.


-Consists of salutation, first name, last name, Gender, email, passport ID, country, phone, address, postal code, VIP code, credit card brand, credit card number, credit card expiry date.

-3 buttons: Submit button, Reset button, MainCust button.

-Once information submitted successfully, ResortPass window pops up.


-Consists of salutation, first name, last name, Gender, email, passport ID, country, phone, address, postal code, VIP code, credit card brand, credit card number, credit card expiry date, resort pass.

-3 buttons: History button, Get button, MainCust button.

-History button links to HistoryCust which shows customer's past reservations.

-Get button to retrieve data from the database with resort pass as primary key.


-Shows a table that has data about customer's past reservations.

-A Back button that takes user back to UpdateCust.


-Displays the resort pass which is randomly generated and unique for every customer.

-A OK button that takes user to the Homepage.

I make this like dota map log lol. Anyway, for the HistoryCust table, its not completed yet cos i not sure how to do.

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